En Proyecta trabajamos para complacer a nuestros clientes, ofreciéndoles un servicio garantizado y sobre todo innovador. Nuestro objetivo es hacer de cada evento una experiencia inolvidable.

Valores como honestidad, respeto, creatividad y compromiso hacen parte de nuestra cultura empresarial; determinan la dirección de la organización, marcan las líneas de comportamiento y las actitudes en el día a día de nuestras labores.

Carrera 14 #93-40 Oficina 304 Bogotá, Colombia
(+57) 318 869 5163



Turn on a lightbox for your featured images, or simply provide a link to any content you would like displayed in the lightbox, including video. Personalize your portfolio. Define the style of your portfolio lists and single projects through Mikado Options....


Turn on a lightbox for your featured images, or simply provide a link to any content you would like displayed in the lightbox, including video. Personalize your portfolio. Define the style of your portfolio lists and single projects through Mikado Options. ...


Turn on a lightbox for your featured images, or simply provide a link to any content you would like displayed in the lightbox, including video. Personalize your portfolio. Define the style of your portfolio lists and single projects through Mikado Options. ...

The Fragile Mind

Turn on a lightbox for your featured images, or simply provide a link to any content you would like displayed in the lightbox, including video. Personalize your portfolio. Define the style of your portfolio lists and single projects through Mikado Options....

Educa Digital 2021

Turn on a lightbox for your featured images, or simply provide a link to any content you would like displayed in the lightbox, including video. Personalize your portfolio. Define the style of your portfolio lists and single projects through Mikado Options....

Proyecta Consultores SAS